Relating the Mission of God to the Work of God
The mission of God encompasses His sovereign plan to redeem, reconcile, restore, and renew creation, bringing all things under His rule and reflecting His glory. As believers, participation in this mission is both a privilege and a calling. Each aspect of God’s mission offers a distinct pathway for Christians to engage through their careers and everyday lives. By aligning our professional pursuits with God’s purposes, we can embody His love and serve as instruments of His divine work in the world.
God as Ruler – The Sovereignty of God
God’s sovereignty means He reigns over all creation with ultimate authority and power. This truth assures believers that God is in control, even in the complexities and uncertainties of life. Recognizing God as Ruler encourages Christians to view their careers as opportunities to reflect His justice, righteousness, and wisdom in the world. Those in leadership positions can model godly authority by promoting fairness, accountability, and servant-hearted governance, whether in government, business, or education. For example, a CEO could implement ethical practices that prioritize the welfare of employees and customers, affirming that all power and influence are stewardships under God’s supreme rule. Additionally, Christians in any role can demonstrate submission to God’s sovereignty by seeking His guidance in decision-making, trusting Him with outcomes, and striving for excellence to glorify Him. Living under God’s authority also provides a sense of purpose, as believers understand that their work is not random or insignificant but part of a greater plan to advance His kingdom on earth.
God as Creator – The Creation by God
God’s role as Creator reveals His infinite creativity, power, and care in bringing all things into existence. Believers are invited to participate in this creative mission by stewarding creation and contributing to endeavors that reflect His beauty and order. Careers in the arts, sciences, and technology provide unique avenues for believers to mirror God’s creativity. An artist might produce works that inspire wonder and glorify God, while a scientist might explore the intricacies of nature, affirming God’s genius in design. Moreover, professions focused on environmental stewardship, such as conservation, agriculture, or urban development, allow Christians to care for the earth as an act of worship and responsibility. God’s creation is not only a resource but also a sacred trust, and believers honor Him by working to sustain and restore it. By engaging in vocations that celebrate, protect, and innovate within creation, Christians participate in God’s mission to maintain the flourishing of the world He lovingly made.
God as Relator – God Seeking Humanity for Relationship
From the beginning, God has sought a relationship with humanity, desiring intimacy and connection with His creation. This relational nature of God is most vividly demonstrated in His interactions with Adam and Eve, His covenant with Israel, and ultimately through the incarnation of Jesus Christ. For Christians, reflecting God’s relational mission means prioritizing authentic connections in their careers and daily lives. A missional career focused on relationships can take many forms, such as counseling, mentoring, or community organizing. For instance, a counselor provides support and guidance, helping individuals heal and thrive while embodying God’s compassion. In the workplace, Christians can cultivate a culture of respect, empathy, and collaboration, making colleagues feel valued and cared for. These relational investments often open doors for spiritual conversations, allowing believers to share the hope of the Gospel naturally and meaningfully. Through intentional relationships, Christians echo God’s pursuit of humanity, offering a glimpse of His love and inviting others into fellowship with Him.
God as Redeemer – The Redemption of Humanity by God Through Jesus Christ
At the heart of God’s mission is His redemptive work through Jesus Christ, who came to rescue humanity from sin and its consequences. This aspect of God’s mission calls Christians to address brokenness in the world and point others toward the hope found in Christ. A missional career aligned with redemption might involve directly serving marginalized or oppressed populations, such as social work, healthcare, or ministry. For example, a healthcare professional could provide compassionate care to underserved communities, reflecting God’s heart for healing and restoration. Similarly, a lawyer might advocate for justice on behalf of those wronged, mirroring God’s commitment to righteousness. Redemption also extends to addressing systemic issues, such as poverty, inequality, or human trafficking. Christians participating in this mission become agents of change, demonstrating the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice and inviting others to experience His saving grace. This work not only meets practical needs but also conveys the spiritual truth that redemption is available to all through faith in Jesus Christ.
God as Reconciler – The Reconciliation by God
God’s mission of reconciliation restores broken relationships—between Himself and humanity, as well as among people. Through the work of Christ, believers are reconciled to God and called to be ambassadors of reconciliation in the world (2 Corinthians 5:18-20). In a missional career, Christians can actively promote peace and unity, addressing divisions and fostering harmony in their spheres of influence. For example, a mediator or conflict resolution specialist might facilitate understanding and cooperation among opposing parties, reflecting God’s reconciling nature. Teachers and educators can model inclusion and respect in diverse classrooms, helping students build bridges across cultural or social divides. Additionally, believers in any profession can practice forgiveness, humility, and empathy, creating workplaces where reconciliation is not just a value but a lived reality. By embodying reconciliation in their interactions, Christians point others to the ultimate reconciliation available through Christ and demonstrate the transformative power of God’s grace to heal brokenness.
God as Restorer – The Restoration God Brings to the World
God’s mission of restoration seeks to heal what has been broken and bring wholeness to individuals, communities, and creation. Christians participate in this mission by addressing areas of need and working toward solutions that reflect God’s justice and mercy. A missional career in community development, public service, or nonprofit leadership allows believers to bring restoration to struggling neighborhoods or disadvantaged groups. For instance, a city planner might design urban spaces that prioritize accessibility, safety, and community well-being, while a nonprofit leader might provide resources to uplift families in poverty. Restoration also extends to spiritual restoration, as believers share the hope of Christ with those who feel lost or disconnected. Every act of restoration, whether meeting physical, emotional, or spiritual needs, reflects God’s ultimate plan to restore all things. By engaging in restorative work, Christians embody God’s promise to make all things new, offering a foretaste of the wholeness to come in His kingdom.
God as Renewer – The Renewal That Comes from God
The renewal God brings is both personal and cosmic, transforming individuals, communities, and the entire creation. Believers are invited to participate in this renewal by using their skills, resources, and influence to foster growth and positive change. A missional career in education, innovation, or missional ministry can be a powerful avenue for renewal. Teachers shape the minds and hearts of the next generation, preparing them to contribute to society with integrity and purpose. Entrepreneurs and innovators create solutions that improve quality of life, reflecting God’s creativity and concern for human flourishing. Spiritual renewal also plays a significant role, as pastors, counselors, and missional leaders guide individuals toward deeper faith and transformation. By partnering with God in His work of renewal, Christians serve as agents of hope, bringing glimpses of His kingdom into the present and pointing others toward the ultimate renewal He will bring.
Participating in the mission of God transforms careers into platforms for glorifying Him and serving others. By aligning their work with the aspects of God’s mission—as Ruler, Creator, Relator, Redeemer, Reconciler, Restorer, and Renewer—believers embody His character and purpose in every professional endeavor. This holistic approach not only reflects God’s love and power but also advances His kingdom on earth, offering hope and restoration to a broken world. As Christians embrace this calling, their careers become instruments of God’s mission, demonstrating that every occupation, when submitted to Him, can serve as a powerful testimony to His glory and grace.

Dr. Curt Watke is a distinguished missiologist whose three-plus-decade-long career has significantly impacted Christian mission work in North America, particularly in under-reached and challenging regions. Holding a Ph.D. in Evangelism and Missions, Dr. Watke has focused on bridging cultural gaps and fostering sustainable Christian communities by developing innovative strategies that address contemporary challenges like globalization, urbanization, and religious pluralism. His emphasis on cultural sensitivity and contextualization in mission work is reflected in his collaborative writings, including notable works such as “Ministry Context Exploration: Understanding North American Cultures” and “Starting Reproducing Congregations.” Beyond his writing, Dr. Watke is a sought-after speaker and educator, lecturing at seminaries and conferences worldwide, and his teachings continue to inspire and equip new generations of missional leaders. His enduring legacy is marked by unwavering dedication to the mission of God and a profound influence on missional thought and practice. Dr. Watke serves as President and Professor of Evangelism & Missiology at Missional University.