MCF1.5 Competency: Creation Care as Stewardship

Serving in Creation Care as Stewardship

The mission of God encompasses the restoration and renewal of all creation—both human and non-human. This mission invites every believer to participate actively in shaping a world that reflects God’s original intentions for His creation. Missional living, then, involves more than individual spiritual transformation; it extends to how we care for our surroundings, manage resources, and promote holistic well-being in every aspect of life. As stewards of God’s creation, we are tasked with joining His redemptive plan, expressing love not only to people but to the world He made. Integrating biblical stewardship into our daily practices means aligning our choices, habits, and values with God’s greater mission to restore all things. This essay outlines five key approaches to embodying this view of creation care as stewardship, each with a biblical foundation and practical applications that bridge faith and action.

1. Creation Care as Worship

One of the most profound ways to relate the mission of God to creation care is by recognizing that caring for creation is an act of worship. Just as we lift our hands in prayer and song to glorify God, we can honor Him by actively protecting and preserving His creation. The natural world is a reflection of His creativity and goodness, and our stewardship of it mirrors our reverence for Him. When we approach environmental care with this mindset, we treat every interaction with creation—whether small or large—as an opportunity to worship God through obedience and gratitude.

Biblical Illustration

Genesis 2:15 outlines God’s initial charge to humanity: “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” This first command sets the foundation for our role as caretakers of the earth, reinforcing that stewardship is an integral part of our calling.


  • Deliberate Lifestyle Choices
    Engage in sustainable practices like reducing waste, composting, recycling, or supporting eco-friendly products. By making small, consistent changes, such as using less plastic or conserving water, you actively honor God’s creation and demonstrate a commitment to His mission. For example, choose reusable products over single-use plastics, or opt for public transportation or carpooling to reduce your carbon footprint. These seemingly minor actions, when multiplied over time, make a significant impact in caring for creation.
  • Appreciating Creation through Worship
    Dedicate regular time to being outdoors and connecting with nature as part of your spiritual practice. Whether it’s a daily walk, gardening, or hiking in a natural setting, use these moments to meditate on God’s creative power and offer prayers of thanksgiving. Recognizing the beauty and complexity of the world around you can deepen your sense of responsibility to steward it well. This could include moments of silent reflection, where the intricacies of nature lead you to deeper worship and adoration of the Creator.

2. Balancing Development with Stewardship

Another approach to missional living is balancing the pursuit of progress—such as urban development, technological advancements, and the use of natural resources—with environmental stewardship. The call to subdue the earth (Genesis 1:28) does not give us a license for unchecked exploitation; instead, it implies thoughtful and sustainable use of resources that honors both God’s creation and the future generations who will inhabit the earth. Balancing these interests means planning wisely and ethically, ensuring that human flourishing does not come at the expense of the earth’s long-term health.

Biblical Illustration

In Deuteronomy 20:19-20, God instructs the Israelites not to cut down fruit-bearing trees during a siege. This practical yet deeply significant command underscores that even in times of urgent need, there should be a restraint in how resources are used. This balance between meeting immediate needs and preserving resources for future use serves as a biblical model for responsible stewardship.


  • Advocating for Responsible Development
    In your local community, support policies and initiatives that promote sustainable urban development. For example, attend town meetings, sign petitions, or vote for candidates who prioritize green energy, park preservation, or water conservation. If you are involved in a development project or construction, ensure that these efforts include considerations for environmental impacts, like preserving green spaces, using renewable materials, or minimizing pollution. This might mean favoring development projects that incorporate eco-friendly solutions such as solar energy, green roofing, or sustainable materials.
  • Conscious Consumer Choices
    Be mindful of your daily consumption of goods and services, considering their impact on the environment. This could include purchasing products made from sustainable materials, reducing energy consumption in your home, or choosing foods that are locally sourced and sustainably farmed. Opt for energy-efficient appliances or switch to renewable energy sources when possible, making an effort to align your lifestyle with values of conservation and stewardship.

3. Health as Holistic Care

God’s mission extends beyond the physical world to include the well-being of humanity. Just as we are called to care for creation, we are also called to care for our bodies and the bodies of others. Holistic health includes physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. When we engage in efforts that promote human health—whether through medical care, advocating for better healthcare access, or simply caring for those in our communities who are struggling—we participate in God’s mission of restoration. Our care for others mirrors God’s care for us, integrating both healing and compassion.

Biblical Illustration

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus’ ministry was deeply intertwined with healing. Matthew 9:35 describes how Jesus traveled from town to town, teaching, preaching, and healing “every disease and sickness.” His healing miracles were not only acts of physical restoration but also signs of the coming kingdom and the holistic salvation He offered.


  • Engage in Community Health Initiatives
    Volunteer your time and resources to health-focused programs, whether by participating in local health clinics, donating to global healthcare missions, or offering practical support to those dealing with illness. This might involve organizing a blood drive, advocating for mental health awareness, or participating in a run for cancer research. By helping to meet the physical needs of others, you contribute to their holistic well-being in alignment with God’s mission to bring healing to the world.
  • Personal Stewardship of Health
    Treat your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19) by prioritizing your own physical health. Develop routines that promote good nutrition, regular exercise, and mental wellness. You might set aside time for physical activity that not only boosts your health but also gives you space to pray or reflect. Additionally, seek balance by honoring Sabbath rest, recognizing that God desires wholeness in every part of your life.

4. Soulcare in Healthcare

Missional practice goes beyond physical health to include the spiritual care of those who are sick or in need. Healthcare and soulcare are intertwined, reflecting the holistic nature of God’s mission. As Jesus demonstrated in His ministry, true healing addresses the entire person—body, mind, and soul. By offering both physical support and spiritual encouragement, we join God’s mission of bringing restoration in all areas of life. This approach to mission focuses on recognizing the spiritual and emotional needs of those suffering and responding with Christ-like compassion.

Biblical Illustration

In Mark 2:1-12, when a paralyzed man is brought to Jesus, the first thing Jesus does is forgive his sins, addressing his spiritual condition before healing his body. This story illustrates how Christ’s healing mission was holistic, encompassing both the physical and spiritual aspects of a person’s well-being.


  • Spiritual Support in Healthcare Settings
    If you are involved in healthcare, take time to offer spiritual care alongside medical treatment. This can be as simple as asking patients if they would like you to pray with them or providing them with words of encouragement from Scripture. If you are visiting a sick friend or family member, bring spiritual comfort by sharing your faith and offering emotional support. For instance, you could pray for their healing and peace, or simply listen to their concerns with a compassionate heart.
  • Soulcare in Everyday Interactions
    Even outside healthcare settings, practice listening to people’s spiritual and emotional struggles. Offer words of encouragement, share relevant Bible verses, or simply be a compassionate presence for someone facing difficulty. For example, when a friend is going through a stressful period, offer to pray with them or point them to Scripture that speaks of God’s peace and provision.

5. Advocacy for Creation Justice

A final approach to missional living is advocating for justice, particularly in relation to creation and the environment. This includes standing up for the vulnerable, both in human and non-human contexts. Environmental degradation often affects marginalized communities the most, leading to poor living conditions, health problems, and displacement. As part of God’s mission to bring about justice and peace, we are called to advocate for those who suffer from environmental injustices and to promote policies that protect both people and the environment. Creation justice aligns with God’s heart for the poor and oppressed and ensures the flourishing of all creation.

Biblical Illustration

Proverbs 31:8-9 exhorts believers to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” While often applied to human justice, this command can also extend to our responsibility to advocate for the vulnerable in the face of environmental degradation, ensuring justice for both people and creation.


  • Environmental Advocacy
    Join or support organizations that promote environmental justice and sustainability. This might involve participating in campaigns that protect clean air and water for underserved communities or working to combat the negative impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations. Advocate for laws and policies that protect the earth’s resources while ensuring the fair distribution of those resources to those in need. You could, for instance, sign petitions, attend rallies, or support environmental groups that work on behalf of those who are most affected by environmental destruction.
  • Raising Awareness
    Use your influence, whether in person or through social media, to raise awareness about environmental issues and their impact on marginalized communities. Share information about the ways climate change disproportionately affects poor and developing regions, and encourage others to take action. Hosting informational sessions, writing articles, or even organizing local clean-ups can all help bring attention to the need for creation justice in your community.


God’s mission is far-reaching, touching every aspect of creation and human life. As followers of Christ, we are called to join in this mission, actively participating in the renewal of both the natural world and the human community. By caring for creation, balancing development with stewardship, promoting holistic health, integrating soulcare with healthcare, and advocating for creation justice, we embody the redemptive love of God in practical ways. Each of these approaches draws from biblical principles that emphasize stewardship, compassion, and justice—principles that guide us to live missionally in our everyday lives. Ultimately, participating in God’s mission means living out His love for all creation in ways that reflect His kingdom values, ensuring that both people and the world they inhabit flourish under His care.

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