What are the Results of Those Who Desire to Live Life Missionally in the World?


Living life missionally is not merely an activity but a transformative way of being for Christian believers. When believers align their lives with God’s mission, they participate in the ongoing work of redemption and restoration that God is doing in the world. This way of living touches every aspect of life, from personal spiritual growth to the impact on communities and the world at large. The journey of living missionally is deeply enriching, leading to spiritual fulfillment, growth in faith, and significant contributions to God’s kingdom. Each believer who engages in missional living becomes a vessel through which God’s love, grace, and truth flow, touching lives and transforming communities. The ripple effect of such a life is immeasurable, with both temporal and eternal significance. Below are seven results of living life as mission:

1. Spiritual Fulfillment and Joy

Living missionally brings a profound sense of spiritual fulfillment and joy as believers align their lives with God’s purposes. As Christians actively engage in God’s redemptive work, they experience a deeper connection with God, knowing that they are fulfilling the very purpose for which they were created. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10, NIV). This fullness of life is experienced when believers participate in God’s mission, as they are filled with the joy that comes from seeing lives transformed by the Gospel. The joy of missional living is not dependent on circumstances but is rooted in the eternal satisfaction of knowing that one’s life is contributing to God’s eternal plan.

2. Impactful Witness and Influence

When believers live missionally, they become compelling witnesses for Christ, both through their actions and their words. Jesus taught, “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16, NIV). A life lived missionally is a life that radiates the light of Christ in every interaction, decision, and relationship. Such believers draw others to the Gospel not merely by preaching but by embodying the love, grace, and truth of Jesus in their everyday lives. As a result, their witness becomes a powerful tool for evangelism, leading others to a transformative encounter with Christ and contributing to the expansion of God’s kingdom.

3. Transformation of Communities

Believers who live missionally have a profound impact on their communities, fostering environments of love, support, and mutual edification. By intentionally building relationships rooted in the Gospel, they reflect God’s heart for reconciliation and unity among humanity. The writer of Hebrews encourages believers to “consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together…but encouraging one another” (Hebrews 10:24-25, NIV). As missional Christians engage with their communities, they become catalysts for change, creating spaces where God’s love is tangibly experienced, where people are uplifted, and where unity and reconciliation thrive.

4. Effective Stewardship and Impact

Living missionally involves a wise and faithful stewardship of all resources—time, talents, and finances—for the advancement of God’s kingdom. Christians who live this way understand that everything they have is a gift from God and should be used to serve His purposes. Paul reminds us, “Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2, NIV). By dedicating every aspect of their lives to God’s service, missionally-minded believers ensure that their efforts have a lasting impact, bearing fruit for eternity. Their lives become a testament to the power of effective stewardship, as they maximize their influence for the glory of God.

5. Empowered Leadership Development

Missional living equips believers to become transformative leaders who model the servant-hearted leadership of Jesus. As they engage in God’s mission, they grow in their capacity to lead others with humility, integrity, and a commitment to God’s purposes. Jesus said, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant” (Mark 10:43, NIV). Missionally-minded leaders inspire and empower others, creating environments where people can grow, flourish, and contribute to the kingdom of God. Their leadership is not about personal gain but about serving others and advancing God’s mission in the world, leading to the transformation of individuals and communities alike.

6. Deepened Spiritual Growth

Living missionally fosters deep spiritual growth as believers step out in faith, relying on God’s strength and guidance in every aspect of their lives. As they face the challenges and opportunities of missional living, they develop resilience, humility, and a deeper intimacy with God. Paul’s words, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NIV), resonate deeply with those who live missionally. Through their experiences, they witness God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His purposes, which leads to a more profound trust in Him and a richer spiritual life. This growth is not only for the individual but also strengthens the wider community of believers.

7. Eternal Rewards and Kingdom Impact

Ultimately, living missionally is about participating in God’s eternal plan of redemption and reconciliation. Believers who live this way understand that their obedience to the Great Commission results in eternal rewards, as they store up treasures in heaven. Jesus urged, “Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:20, NIV). Their faithful engagement in God’s mission has a lasting impact, both now and for eternity, as countless lives are transformed by the Gospel, and God’s kingdom advances. The eternal significance of their work provides a profound sense of purpose and motivates them to persevere in their missional endeavors.


Living life missionally brings about a range of transformative results, from spiritual fulfillment and joy to community transformation and eternal rewards. By embracing a missional lifestyle, believers align themselves with God’s redemptive work in the world, becoming powerful witnesses for Christ and contributing to the advancement of His kingdom. This way of living not only impacts the present but also has eternal significance, as believers store up treasures in heaven through their faithful service. In every sphere of influence, those who live missionally embody the transformative power of the Gospel, bringing light, hope, and love to a world in need of God’s grace.

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