Why Working with Emerging Generations Matters – Missional Loft

Missional Loft

Resources for Integrating Faith, Life & Mission

Why Working with Emerging Generations Matters

There has always been speculation about the role that younger generations play in the world. More often than not, the facts seem to point to the conclusion that emerging generations are change-makers who pave the way to a new future. This post will explore the value and use of sowing into the next generation.

Equipping Missional Leaders: Building Authentic Connections with the Next Generation

If you have the privilege of being in a position where you cross paths with and can impact emerging generations, you also have the responsibility of being equipped to do that well. Here at Missional University, we develop leaders who are prepared to serve and lead emerging generations.

Modern societies are more urban, more young, and more educated than what came before them. Furthermore, the future of these communities – on all fronts – is in the hands of their youth.

The world is changing rapidly and younger generations are often left to navigate these tricky waters by themselves. Whether it is in your community, workplace, or school, you can have a lasting impact on the lives of emerging generations.

A South African theologian named Wyngaard applied the term ‘realationship’ to describe the authentic and genuine relationships that younger generations desire with their leaders. Pause for a moment and consider what a great impact ‘realationship’ can have in your sphere of influence.

Why Ministry to Emerging Generations is Essential to the Missional Mandate

As Christians who want to live out our faith authentically in the world, we have to ask the question of the missional mandate. God’s sending action (His mission) is at work in each person’s life no matter what sphere of work they are in. The mission of God extends to all people of all ages and it does not exclude anyone or discriminate because of age.

If we consider Jesus Christ, we can reflect on how He often had little children stand between the disciples. He did not exclude younger generations when the Kingdom of God came near, so who are we to exclude them today? Emerging generations will play a crucial role in carrying forth the Gospel into the world and teaching us new patterns of faithfulness.

In an article entitled The Way of Jesus, Nancy Going discussed how the institutional church have often viewed younger generations through the lens of psychology instead of theology. We have, she said, placed emerging generations lower in a diagram of development like that of Erik Erikson, despite the fact that the Bible never echoed the same outlook.

1 Timothy 4:11
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

Effective Strategies for Reaching Emerging Generations

Our courses in Ministry with Emerging Generations include teaching that will equip you to do your very best with the next generation. Experts in the field can guide you on how to form disciples and reach out to younger generations.

We desire for all of our students to become Christ-like culture-makers, image-bearers, and disciple-multipliers of emerging generations. Why? Because they are among the most important investments missionally minded believers can make today.

Emerging generations are redefining faith, culture, and community. Our mission is to meet them where they are, guide them into truth, and walk alongside them as they shape the change of tomorrow.”
Missional University Faculty

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